Testing Fundamentals
What is Automation testing?
- Benefits of Automation testing?
- What type of Test cases can automate?
- What type of test cases not to automate?
- Automation life cycle
- Different types of Automation tools
- Difference between QTP & Selenium
Introduction to Selenium
- History of selenium
- What is selenium?
- Components of selenium
Locator identification
- What is element property?
- Different ways to recognize element properties
- What is firebug and firepath?
- How to recognize element in chrome & I.E Browsers?
Web driver Introduction
- Why web driver?
- Downloading Web driver Jars and configuration in Eclipse
- First Program in Webdriver
- Opening different browsers.
Element Identification methods
- findElement()
- findElements()
- diffrence between findElement() & FindElements()
Selenium IDE
- Configuring selenium IDE
- Record & Play sample testcase
- Selenium commands
- Difference between Verification & Assertion.
- Disadvantages of Selenium IDE
Java Concepts
- Java Introduction
- Installing Java
- Installing Eclipse
- Features of Java
- Why Java for Selenium
- First Eclipse Project
- First Java program
- Concept of class file
- Platform independence
- Datatypes in Java
- String class
- If statements
Loops, Arrays and Functions Conditional and concatenation operators
- While Loop
- For Loops
- Practical Examples with loops
- Usage of loops in Selenium
- Single Dimensional Arrays
- Two Dimensional arrays
- Practical usage of arrays in Selenium
- Drawbacks of arrays
- What are Functions?
- Function Input Parameters
- Function Return Types
Object Oriented Programming- 1
- Local Variables
- Global Variables
- Static and Non-Static Variables
- Static and Non-Static Functions
- Creating Objects in Java
- Meaning of static
- Why is main method static?
- Constructors
- Usage of Objects in Selenium