
According to Google, Searches for self-care in 2018 were 25% higher than in 2017 and it will only continue to increase.

The latest Pew research centre data finds that more milliennials reported making personal improvement commitments than any generation before them.

Self-care comprises of taking care of Body, Mind, emotions and spirit in a balanced manner. Current business environment, fast phase of life style causing an increased stress levels and burnout among the employees.

Employees working in dynamic work environments, demanding work schedules, his/ her moral needs to be high most of the time, they seek the feelings of appreciation from the team members, feeling of belongingness with the company and contributing to the organization.

A corporate wellness program is primarily some set of selected health programs designed for the employees to keep them healthy and fit. Depending upon the size of the team, nature of the industry, work schedules, available time the wellness programs like

  • Outbound training programs
  • Outdoor adventure programs
  • Regular yoga
  • Meditation
  • Physical fitness
  • Nature tours
  • Silent retreats, can be conducted

We analyse the requirements, habit patterns which needs to addressed and devise a workable wellness process, wellness programs.

We focus on the deliverables and the measurable impact in collaboration, high engagement with the employees and organization.


  1. Reduced absenteeism
  2. Employee long association with the company
  3. Healthy bottom lines for the company
  4. Employee over all wellbeing = Net worth of the company
  5. Optimum stress levels

Peakin advantage:

  1. Certified Health / Nutrition experts
  2. Master certified Meditation and Yoga trainers
  3. Holistic wellness Packages
  4. Live and entertaining wellness programs
  5. Weekly / monthly rewards for the participant’s