Thread :
- Understanding Threads
- Needs of Multi-Threaded Programming.
- Thread Life-Cycle
- Thread Priorities
- Synchronizing Threads
- Inter Communication of Threads
A Collection of Useful Classes
- Utility Methods for Arrays
- List,Set,Queue,Map(including internal Implementation)
- Stream API
- Observable and Observer Objects
- Date & Times
- Using Scanner
- Regular Expression
Input/Output Operation in Java( Package)
- Understanding Streams
- Reading and Writing to Files
- Buffer and Buffer Management
- Read/Write Operations with File Channel
- Serializing Objects
Database Programming using JDBC
- Introduction to JDBC
- JDBC Drivers & Architecture
- CURD operation Using JDBC
Core Java Advance Features
- Lambda expressions,
- Method references,
- Functional interfaces,
- Stream API,
- Default methods,
- Static methods in interface,
- Optional class,
- Collectors class,
- ForEach() method,
- Parallel array sorting,
- Parallel Array Sorting,
Basic Knowledge of Core java Design Pattern
1.Creational Design Pattern
- Factory Pattern
- Abstract Factory Pattern
- Singleton Pattern
- Prototype Pattern
2. Structural Design Pattern
- Adapter Pattern
- Composite Pattern
- Decorator Pattern
- Facade Pattern
3. Behavioral Design Pattern
- Chain Of Responsibility Pattern
- Command Pattern
- Interpreter Pattern
- Iterator Pattern
- Mediator Pattern
- Memento Pattern
- Observer Pattern
- State Pattern
- Strategy Pattern
- Template Pattern
- Visitor Pattern